A beautiful gift for growth
Back in 2011, my husband Richard left the company he was working in to start up his own business. It was a massive step - taking that leap of faith...
This little heart...
This photo was taken a year ago and this little heart was the very first thing I made on my sewing machine. I’d taken delivery of my Heavy Duty Singer...
The gems you find from a bit of R&D
It's really important to me that I stay in touch with my customers. If you're a member of the Twisty Facebook community - Twisted Sisters - you'll know that I'm...
The Twists & Turns of 2020
Today, as I glanced through my Facebook "memories", I came across photos from a year ago where I showed the 'Corona Blanket' I'd completed that day. When we first went...
Why Alopecia is close to my heart
Earlier this month, my 16yr old daughter took the very tough decision to shave her hair off. In her bid to raise awareness of Alopecia, she asked us to film...
Getting Wired....
My friends loved it. A couple of vintage-loving friends said 'could you make me one please?'... So I did.